Monday, June 29, 2009

Take a chance on me....

If you feel like a little gamble, go on over to The Cookie Mamma blog and register for a chance to win some really cute and tasty cookies (for your next occasion!) Check her out! Hurry; offer ends with June.

Pleasantries of a toddler

Hannah Kate is just so amusing these days. She totally picks up on everything and has kept us thoroughly entertained. Some of her latest sayings:

  • Party pooper- She overheard me calling Daniel a party pooper and thought this was hilarious. Not for what it was, but because she thought I called him a "potty pooper". And she just giggled and called me a potty pooper and daddy a potty pooper and even herself a potty pooper. That was just ridiculously funny to her.

  • Once upon a time- We've started telling stories alot lately. She likes to hear them and has started making up some of her own. Daniel took her to the lake the other day and she kept saying "Once upon a time there was a pig in the house." And that was her story. The end. When we visited Gigi a few weeks ago, we all went for a walk around the downtown. Hannah Kate found a little end of a sidewalk and began to tell the flowers and bushes a story about a mermaid and a mermaid house. Gigi and I just stood there in amazement. We couldn't understand all of the words but she was concentrating on this story with her "audience". We asked her to walk along with us but she "had to finish telling her story".

  • God is great- She is a great blessing sayer. She was doing it "all by myself" ( which is the norm these days) the other morning and covered all her bases. Something like this: "God is great. God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Bless us oh Lord in these thy gifts which we are about to receive. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Amen."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Not just what's for supper...

Yep, that's right. Hannah Kate's going to be a big sister! We have a little Hooker on the way. Expecting our new addition towards the end of January. We're about 8 weeks now. We actually thought we were a little bit further along when we shared with our families but the doctor's first ultra sound gave us a later due date. So, as for us, we're having alot of down time and naps so far this summer!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Daddy's latest adventure

She was trying to give me a thumbs up!
Daniel got a bike and found a new riding buddy. He loves the exercise and she loves the time with daddy (and the sights).

Crawfish fun...

Crawfish cookouts are a good reason for getting together around here. We cooked out a few weeks ago and just enjoyed a night with friends. All of our babies seems so blond right now. And most of us parents aren't. Maybe it's the brown Delta water?

It's tough getting all these eyes in one direction. But this was my best shot. Hannah Kate was being the drink bandit and obviously had one too many drinks in her hand during all of our picture taking.

End of the year performance

Hannah Kate had an end of the year performance early in May that we truly enjoyed. We finally heard all of the songs that we'd gotten bits and pieces of....My love for Jesus is bubbling over, I've got peace like a river, He's got the whole world in His hands, This little light of mine, and Wheels on the bus. And saw all the hand motions as they were intended. And she loved the hand motions. She also went out and sat down in the audience on her own. And played with the mic stand. And walked around. But for 2, I'd say it was an outstanding performance. No biases.

Sorry this picture is scary. I tried to lighten it up so we could see all of the faces...and now everyone has the 'glare' in their eyes.